O candomblé é uma religião com uma vasta cultura e rica em preceitos. São pouquíssimas as pessoas que realmente a conhecem a fundo.È necessária muita dedicação e anos de estudo para se chegar a um conhecimento profundo da religião. Seus preceitos são todos fundamentados e qualquer um pode se dedicar ao seu estudo e desfrutar seus benefícios. Existe muita energia positiva no candomblé, e o seu culto pode trazer muita paz e felicidade.
Candomblé (Portuguese pronunciation: [kɐ̃dõˈblɛ]) is an African-originated or Afro-Brazilian religion, practiced chiefly in Brazil by the "povo de santo" (saint people). It originated in the cities of Salvador, the capital of Bahia and Cachoeira, at the time one of the main commercial crossroads for the distribution of products and slave trade to other parts of Bahia state in Brazil. Although Candomblé is practiced primarily in Brazil, it is also practiced in other countries in the Americas, including Uruguay, Argentina, Venezuela, Colombia, Panama; and in Europe in Germany, Italy, Portugal and Spain. The religion is based in the anima (soul) of Nature, and is also known as Animism. It was developed in Brazil with the knowledge of African Priests that were enslaved and brought to Brazil, together with their mythology, their culture and language, between 1549 and 1888.The rituals involve the possession of the initiated by Orishas, offerings and sacrifices of the mineral, vegetable and animal kingdom, healing, dancing/trance,and percussion. Candomblé draws inspiration from a variety of people of the African Diaspora, but it mainly features aspects of Yoruba orisha veneration.
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